Welcome To An Exciting "Gospel Monday" at CCM Classic Radio, Where We Back Up The Clock and Move It Forward: TUNE IN!!!
"Gospel Monday is almost upon us and there are many folks out there that really appreciate these roots of CCM Music. I have said it many times; the music is so acoustic that there is little room for error. You really have to be a great musician and vocalist in this stripped-down music. I hope that you all not only appreciate it, but enjoy listening to it as well.
Have you been sending your Christian literature to "Love Packages". Last year their goal was to ship $2,020 tons of Christian literature worldwide. Please go to the CCM classic Homepage and read more about this.
Get involved if you have not already done so; there is really nothing to do. Just gather up all those old bibles and Christian literature collecting dust and send it to “Love Packages.”
Once again, all that information is on the CCM Classic Homepage. Make sure to watch the very short video from founder Steve Schmidt. https://ccm-classic.prod01.oregon.platform-os.com/handup
Well, let's get into Gospel Monday's program schedule:
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Here Is The Schedule for Monday, November 13
4AM Album “Singing' In My Soul" Bill & Gloria Gaither Homecoming Friends
6:30AM Album “Homecoming" Gaither Vocal Band
8AM Album "What Ya' Gonna Do" Jubilation (White River)
9AM Album "Ponder, Sykes & Wright" Self-Titled
10AM Album "Double Take Live" Gold City
11PM Album “Then and Now" The Cathedrals
12PM Album “The Lighthouse" The Hinsons
1M Album “Rejoice" Shout & Sing
2PM Album “Refreshing" The Happy Goodman Family
3PM Album “Windows" The Martins
4PM Album “Sensational" Singing Americans
5PM Album “Look No Further" The Perry's
6PM Album “Feelings" The Rex Nelon Singers
7PM Album “Touch The Hand of The Lord" The Plainsmen
8PM Album “The Orrells Live"
9:30PM Album “Peace of The Rock" Gaither Vocal Band
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I hope that you will tune in!
Many Blessings
Michael Lederer
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