Welcome To "Saturday Rewind" On CCM Classic Radio" Tune IN!
Welcome to "Saturday Rewind",
Where we Rewind a selected group of music from the previous week. We have some great music scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, June 4.
PLEASE READ!!!!!! CHECK THIS OUT AS IT IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY: I've been sharing with you in my posts that I was getting involved with a new ministry initiative. I have partnered with an organization, “Love Packages.” This year their goal is to ship $2,020 tons of Christian literature worldwide. Please go to the CCM classic Homepage and read more about this.
There you can see how to get involved. There is really nothing to it; just gather up all those old bibles and Christian literature collecting dust and send it to “Love Packages.”
There are drop off centers in some states.
Once again, all that information is on the CCM Classic Homepage. Make sure to watch the very short video from founder Steve Schmidt. https://ccm-classic.prod01.oregon.platform-os.com/handup
I am hoping to get many Christian artists on board with this initiative. What better way to do “God's Great Commission; Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
*****Please LIKE and SHARE these posts. It is really important to get CCM Classic’s number up and I do not ask much from you all. So please help me out here.
Please join The CCM Classic Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/787650775176575
Here Is The Schedule for "Friday, June 4
5AM Album “Into Motion” Salvador
6AM Album “Episodes” Cynthia Clawson
7:30AM Album “Masters Of Gospel” Oak Ridge Boys
9AM Album “Don't Get Comfortable” Brandon Heath
10:30AM Album “Cross My Heart" Greg Long
12PM Album “Sound Alarm" Michael Anderson
1PM Album “Let The Whole World Know Live" Farrell & Farrell
2PM Album "Wow Hits 1997 " Various Artists
4PM Album “My Paper Heart” Francesca Bastistelli
5PM Album “War & Remembrance" Petra
8PM Album “There Is A Light" Todd Smith
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Or You Apple App at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ccm-classic-radio/id966557285
I hope that you will tune in!
Many Blessings
Michael Lederer
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