Please Join Us For Some Of The Best Christian Music Available on The Radio Networks! TUNE Into CCM Classic Radio!!!
The FBI is violating the law again, refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena regarding an alleged Biden bribery scheme. They have shown a disturbing disregard for the rule of law and basic principles of political neutrality, spying on the Trump campaign, falsifying evidence to perpetuate the fake Russia hoax. This comes after years of targeting parents for speaking out at school board meetings, classifying Christian churches as hotbeds of domestic extremism, and retaliating against whistleblowers who have come forward to defend the rights of innocent Americans against the long arm of the Deep State.
Speaker McCarthy is finally threatening to hold FBI Director Chris Wray in contempt of Congress for helping cover up alleged Biden corruption and refusing to turn over a document with evidence against President Biden. The House Oversight Committee has set a deadline TOMORROW for Wray to respond to their subpoena and give the committee the evidence that Biden accepted MILLIONS in BRIBES as Vice President. Please pray for justice!
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Here Is The Schedule for Tuesday, June 6
7AM Album “Relationships" BeBe & CeCe Winans
8:30AM Album "This Time Thru" DeGarmo & Key
9:30AM Album "Torn Between Two Worlds" Billy Sprague
11AM Album "Vital Signs" WhiteHeart
12PM Album “Alarma!" Daniel Amos
1PM Album “Pure Attraction" Kathy Troccoli
2PM Album “All That Matters" Dallas Holm & Praise
3PM Album “Mylon & Broken Heart Greatest Hits”
4PM Album “The River” Allies
5:15PM Album "I Choose You" Point of Grace
6:30PM Album "Beyond Belief" Petra
7:30PM Album “Hiding Place" Don Moen
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I hope that you will tune in!
Many Blessings
Michael Lederer
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