CCM Classic Blog


The Archers Rewound: Keep Singin' That Love Song: By Philip Mayabb

Before we begin this week, ask yourself a question...have you EVER known the Archers to produce a bad album, or even a mediocre one, for that matter? Shouldn't take long to answer...the Archers turned out some of CCM's finest recordings from 1972-1991, and even when they took long breaks between releasing new music, they STILL didn't miss a beat. Tim, Steve, and Janice Archer (or Nancye Short, on this album) were able to pack an amazing amount of energy into each one of their albums, and this week, we are featuring one of their very best - 1974's classic "Keep Singin' That Love Song".

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Can You Teach Songwriting? By Michael Anderson

I have been having an ongoing discussion with a friend of mine recently, and it mirrors something I have thought about many times over the past few years. It is: Can you teach someone how to write a song?

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Songwriting: Fearless: By Michael Anderson

On the way to the first class of a night extension class I ran into a former student who had really come a long way since she was student originally. I asked her to say a few words to the class before I gave the lesson.I was very interested to hear a former student’s perspective, and I was sure the new students would find what she might have to say perhaps more connecting to how they were feeling and approaching the class. What she said didn’t surprise me.

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The 5 Minute Songwriting Class by Michael Anderson

The first thing is you need a good idea – I have lectured on that over and over here. Creativity is about process – the old “success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration” routine – but without that 10% inspiration the other 90% of your work is a waste of time.

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